Vitamix 1782 TurboBlend Review
It packs quite a punch!
About the Vitamix 1782
Thankfully, the blender continues to be just as impressive and powerful as before. It’s a tiny comfortable fitting design, not as noisy as a lot of the other blender brands, but still strong and powerful enough to get the job done. The new lid style helps make it significantly more airtight than before but the new recipe guide appears to lack a great deal of older more solid recipes. Currently, they appear to focus mostly on sweet beverages and fruity mixtures. All that’s great, but the provided recipes and not are not great when it comes to testing out this model. Some of the things we have done with this product consist of pureeing veggies, chicken stock to soup, making savory dips, pestos and sauces.
For people who enjoy cooking with fresh ingredients and don’t mind pureeing them individually, it’s got a lot of power and efficiency. We have most likely sliced diced, minced, ground and pureed countless numbers of ingredients in the past month and never once felt like giving the Vitamix 1782 a push with the tamper. As soon as we removed it from the packaging we discovered the cord was designed from a thick fiber material with a great deal of length and a three prong plug. The designers seriously put a whole lot of thought into creating this blender into a powerhouse.
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Now for those who are interested in creating smoothies and beverages alone, the Vitamix 1782 “TurboBlend” and its dual speed operation will prove sufficient. We don’t go through too much hassle when it comes to what goes into our early morning vitamin shakes. Ignoring all around safeguards for blenders, such as dicing ingredients minutely, operating the device at slow for a while just before increasing the speed to high, we basically drop all our ingredients into the blender to test it. This normally includes water, milk and whatever else may be necessary. One simple shake at high for thirty seconds and everything is as good as liquid.
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For people who rely a lot on their food processor or blender in the kitchen, the Vitamix 1782 is a wonderful choice. It’s got loads of power, plenty of flexibility and a tough stainless steel blade that slices and dices through almost anything in its path. With more than five years of warranty on the entire device, protecting even the blade coupling, you by no means have to be concerned about your investment going south. Yes, this blender is kind of pricey but it’s the very same style and design that made Vitamix so well known over the past three decades. This is the blender from the 80s and 90s that your mother and grandmother used. It’s now got a contemporary look, a new lid locking design, and new model number, but at its core, it’s still the same.
We highly recommend the Vitamix 1782 and you can tell by our high rating.
Features and Specifications:
- Performs at 120 Volt and pelts out an impressive 2 HP utilizing a professional quality motor.
- Tamper tool helps make it simple to control thick ingredients.
- Lid locks into place and will help keep spatters to a bare minimum.
- Recipe book with over 155 meals.
- 64 ounce BPA free polycarbonate container.
- Compact design and style with 3 prong plug and sleek styling.
- Features a Five year limited period warranty.