With more than 300 million views on Youtube, the BlendTec series of videos under the heading, ‘Will it Blend?’has truly become one of the biggest internet sensations. With the amount of popularity the video is getting, it is no wonder why the sales of BlendTec blenders skyrocketed along with their other extended merchandise.
The ‘Will It Blend’ video series is about Tom Dickson, the founder of Blendtec’s attempt to blend various types of unusual items from cellphones, golf balls to even crowbars in order to demonstrate the power of the blender. The marketing campaign has come a long way from when it was just using a box of matches. The success of the campaign had even led to various internet awards recognizing its viral effect over various audiences. Even Tom Dickson got his share of limelight through various guestings on TV and radio.
In order to discourage the audience from imitating dangerous stunts, or in this case, blending experiments, a subtitle appears during the activity stating “Do Not Try This at Home”. For cases of items that are safe to be blended such as Mcdonald’s Big Mac, credit cards, and other safe to blend items, a subtitle is also provided during the activity saying “Please try this at home!” . When blending items that emit dust and smoke viewers are warned not to inhale it as it may cause health complications. At the end of the show, the content is poured out, and the hilarious host of the show commemorates with the catchphrase of the campaign ‘Yes it Blends’ (also shown below the screen).
The campaign has been an instant hit and has truly created a great impact not only on the product but on the brand as well. The series’ most famous episode is the invention of the, ‘cochicken’. On this episode, Dickson blends half a chicken with 12 ounces of Coca-cola. Many enjoyed seeing the boned chicken puréed in the blender, which lead to a reshoot on NBC’s Today Show. On The Today’s version, a de-boned chicken was used and the dish was served to Meredith Veira who seemed truly impressed with the power of the machine.
Suggested Blenders:

Ultimately, fans all over the world, started suggesting various items to blend on the show, in response to the show’s unstoppable popularity. There were even those who wanted to see a blender being blended by a Blendtec! It seemed impossible and would diminish the show’s purpose of marketing their Blendtec products, being that it may be bought just to try at home if something can be blended. Of course, that’s what everybody thinks, but there was actually a footage wherein Dickson had attempted to do this with only the base of the blender. However, the footage ends prematurely.
When Dickson had attempted to blend a crowbar, he was interrupted by the buzzing of one of the crew’s phone. To spice things up on the show, Dickson decided to instead blend the entire crew’s cellular phones, causing laughter all over the set, and amazement at the powerful machine.
‘Will It Blend’ series also devoted episodes for certain events happening in the country such as the weekend of Super Bowl XLI, including events as random and bizarre as Dickson finding out that the Beach Boys did not win Esquire Magazine’s 2007 Esky Award. Dickson’s amazing campaign and product has truly given society a source of entertainment and a powerful machine that kitchen enthusiasts can rely on. With multiple awards and recognition for the campaign’s achievement, Will It Blend, truly blends with society’s taste.